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How do you create content that provides value to your target audience in your content creation plan?

In the digital age, there’s no shortage of content. From blogs, videos, infographics, to podcasts – the internet is awash with information. But amidst this deluge of content, how can one ensure that what they create truly stands out and provides real value to its intended audience?

Creating content isn’t just about pushing out information. It’s about pushing out the right information – the kind that resonates with your target audience and satisfies their needs. Here, we’ll begin our exploration of creating valuable content by looking into understanding the audience, the importance of originality, and incorporating feedback.

1. Understanding Your Audience

Before penning down a single word or shooting a single frame, it’s imperative to know whom you’re creating the content for. A deep understanding of your target audience is the foundation of valuable content.


a. Create Audience Personas/Avatars:

Imagine trying to buy a birthday gift for someone you barely know. The chances of it being a hit are slim. Similarly, you can’t create impactful content if you don’t understand your audience’s desires, needs, and pain points.

Begin by creating audience personas. These are fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data. Include demographics, interests, online behaviour, challenges, and goals. The more detailed, the better. For example, London based female in her 40s who has a senior management role in the HR department, she is married with children and is aspiring to be the HR Director. She believes in honesty, looking after the environment and ambition whilst being true to herself. She drives an electric car, shops at Waitrose and takes a least one long haul holiday a year.


b. Determine Their Content Preferences:

Different segments of your audience might prefer different types of content. While some may enjoy reading in-depth blog posts, others might prefer quick video tutorials or infographics. Dive into your analytics and conduct surveys to understand which formats resonate most. This can also be supported by the use of DISC Behavioural Profiling, and then the right words which will attract and inspire them, can be used.


c. Identify Their Pain Points:

What problems does your target audience face? By addressing these pain points directly in your content, you position yourself as a trusted authority and go-to resource. Make sure the problems are emotional one backed up by logic, 80% of purchases are emotional.

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But the benefits of joining our NoLimits business community don’t stop there. By becoming part of our community, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other business owners, share insights and ideas, and build valuable relationships that will help your business thrive. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to supercharge your business and join us today!

Prioritise Originality

With a plethora of content online, originality becomes a scarce and valued commodity. Here’s why and how to ensure your content is original:


a. The Curse of Echo Content:

Echo content is what happens when creators simply regurgitate what’s already been said by others in their industry, leading to an echo chamber effect. To stand out, you need to provide fresh perspectives and insights. So if you are reposting put your thoughts, supportive or not, and any examples of how to apply the content subject matter.

b. Use Original Research:

If you have the resources, consider conducting your own research or surveys. This not only adds credibility to your content but makes it a primary source of information. You could always use the poll questions to generate this survey information.

c. Encourage Personal Insights:

Every individual brings a unique perspective. Encourage your content creators to weave in their personal experiences and insights by asking for comments. It adds authenticity and relatability to the content.



3. Incorporate Feedback

While it’s true that you’re the expert in your field, never underestimate the power of feedback from your audience.


a. Monitor Comments and Social Media:

Often, your audience will directly tell you what they liked or disliked about your content. Take these comments seriously. They’re a goldmine of feedback and also great for additional follow up content.

b. Regularly Survey Your Audience:

Send out regular surveys asking what topics your audience would like to see covered. Not only does this provide direction, but it also makes your audience feel valued and heard.

c. A/B Test Content:

Experiment with different content formats, headlines, and distribution channels. Monitor which ones perform the best in terms of engagement, and adapt accordingly.

How do you create content for your target audience

4. Effective Research Methods

To create content that truly resonates, you must base it on accurate and timely information. Effective research is the cornerstone of valuable content.

a. Leverage Academic and Industry Reports:

Instead of relying solely on easily accessible online articles, delve into industry reports, white papers, and academic research. This lends depth and credibility to your content.

b. Interview Experts:

Bringing insights from industry experts not only bolsters your content’s reliability but also offers unique perspectives that might not be readily available in mainstream sources.

c. Use Analytics Tools:

There are a plethora of analytics tools available that can help gauge what topics are trending in your niche. Use these insights to shape your content strategy.


5. Adapt and Personalise Content

The “one-size-fits-all” approach seldom works in content creation. Your audience comprises individuals with varying preferences and behaviours.

a. Segment Your Audience:

Group your audience based on certain characteristics – be it demographics, behavioural patterns, or purchasing history. Tailor content to address the specific needs and interests of these segments. For example, if you are a photographer, write content especially for weddings or corporate headshots. By clearly defining the post with this you will gain greater viewing from your specific target market as you are addressing them directly.

b. Utilise Dynamic Content:

Modern content platforms allow for dynamic content presentation, where elements of the content change based on the user’s profile or behaviour. This ensures higher relevance and engagement.

c. Consider Cultural Nuances:

If your audience is global, it’s imperative to understand and respect cultural nuances. What works in one region might not necessarily resonate in another.



6. Consistency is Key

While it’s essential to focus on content quality, consistency in your content release schedule can play a significant role in retaining and engaging your audience. The best form of marketing is consistent marketing.

a. Create a Content Calendar:

Plan ahead. A content calendar helps you organise topics, formats, and release dates, ensuring a consistent flow of content. Don’t forget to use seasons, public holidays and sporting events as topics to make it relevant at the time.

b. Stick to a Publishing Routine:

Whether it’s once a week or once a month, ensure that you adhere to a set routine. This builds anticipation among your audience and establishes reliability.

c. Update Existing Content:

The digital world is ever-evolving. What was relevant a year ago might not be today. Regularly review and update your existing content to keep it current and valuable. Old posts are such a great way of generating new content as people won’t look back very far in your posts and may have missed important and useful information.



7. Engage, Don’t Just Inform

Content that truly provides value doesn’t just end at informing the reader; it engages them.

a. Incorporate Interactive Elements:

This could range from quizzes and polls to interactive infographics. Engaging content encourages longer site visits and more shares.

b. Foster Community Engagement:

Encourage discussions in the comments section or create community forums. When readers feel they’re part of a community, they’re more likely to return and engage.

c. Use Storytelling:

Humans are naturally drawn to stories. Instead of just presenting facts, weave them into a narrative. This makes your content more relatable and memorable.


How do you create content for your target audience

8. Data-Driven Analysis

While intuition and creativity have their rightful place in content creation, decisions backed by data tend to yield better results.

a. Use Advanced Analytics:

Beyond basic metrics like page views or likes, utilise tools that offer insights into user behaviour, time spent on pages, and bounce rates. This data paints a clearer picture of content engagement.

b. Track ROI:

Determine the Return On Investment (ROI) for your content. This helps in understanding which content types or topics offer better value, guiding future content strategies. This is especially true for paid communications but also relevant for posts; how many like, comments or new followers you have from the type /subject of your posts.

c. Monitor Conversion Rates:

It’s not enough for content to be consumed. It should also lead to desired actions, be it signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or making a purchase. Monitor these conversion rates to gauge content efficacy.


9. Commit to Continuous Improvement

The digital realm is in constant flux. To remain relevant, it’s vital to adapt and refine your content strategies continually.

a. Embrace New Technologies and Platforms:

As new platforms emerge and technologies evolve, consider how you can leverage them for content distribution and engagement.

b. Invest in Training:

Equip your content team with the latest skills and knowledge. Workshops, webinars, and courses can keep them at the forefront of content creation trends.

c. Solicit External Audits:

Sometimes, an external perspective can offer invaluable insights. Consider periodic content audits by third-party experts to identify areas of improvement.


10. Nurture Genuine Connections

At its core, content creation is about forging genuine connections with your audience. This authenticity fosters trust and loyalty.

a. Engage in Two-Way Conversations:

Beyond publishing content, engage with your audience. Reply to comments, participate in discussions, and be present in the communities where your audience resides.

b. Showcase Behind-the-Scenes:

Humanise your brand. Offering glimpses into the making of your content or insights into your team can make your brand more relatable.


In closing, creating content that provides genuine value is both an art and a science. It’s an ongoing process of understanding, analysing, adapting, and connecting. As you forge ahead in your content journey, remember that every piece of content is an opportunity – an opportunity to inform, engage, inspire, and build lasting relationships with your audience. Prioritise them, value their feedback, and always strive to offer more. In the intricate dance of content creation, your audience is your partner, and together, you can create symphonies of success.


If you would like more specific guidance with understanding this or any management tools why not look at our NoLimits Community – become a member at any level and join our community.   

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But the benefits of joining our NoLimits business community don’t stop there. By becoming part of our community, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other business owners, share insights and ideas, and build valuable relationships that will help your business thrive. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to supercharge your business and join us today!

Jeremy Graham-Clare